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Configuring PrintConnect for a static IP with a USB key - c06646735

Create a config file that will allow you to configure your PrintConnect to work with a static IP address and/or a proxy server.

In order to create the config file the following information is required:

  1. The MAC address of the PrintConnect. This number starts with 001beb. It is on a sticker on the PrintConnect itself.
  2. The Fixed IP address you wish to use
  3. The Fixed IP Netmask you wish to use
  4. The Fixed IP Gateway
  5. The fixed IP DNS server (there may be more than one) If you need to manually configure a proxy server, this information is required:
    1. The Proxy IP address
    2. The Proxy port
    3. The Proxy user name
    4. The proxy password
  6. To perform the update please complete the following tasks
    1. Copy the config file to a USB key.
    2. Turn off the power to the PrintConnect
    3. Plug the USB key with the included files into the front of the PrintConnect
    4. Turn the PrintConnect power back on. If the process works correctly the PrintConnect will complete the boot process, read the contents of the USB key, update itself and then reboot again. The process should take about three minutes to complete. You can see the process by watching what is displayed on the LCD screen of the Print Valet keypad.
    5. After about 1 minute the keypad will display Print Release Press OK for a few seconds, then it will go blank as the PrintConnect restarts itself. This is a very good sign. If the PrintConnect does not restart after about one minute it is possible that the PrintConnect does not see the USB key.
    6. If possible, please try copying the files to another USB key. As a general rule it is best to use smaller (lower capacity) USB keys. The PrintConnect may not recognize more recent 16 and 32 gigabyte USB keys.
    7. You can also verify that the process completed successfully by putting the USB key back into a windows computer and looking at the contents Of the USB key.
    8. If the update was successful the file named config will be renamed to config.bak


Applies to the PrinterOn PrintConnect (Linux).