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How to change Meta Data for webprint login page? - c06349456

  1. Stop CPS service
  2. Go to control panel folder options and uncheck Hide extensions for known file types under View tab.
  3. Navigate to the directory C:\Program Files (x 86)\ PrinterOn Corporation\Apache Tomcat\webapps\cps\WEB-INF\lib
  4. Copy cps-web-4.0.1-RELEASE.jar to your desktop and rename it to
  5. Then navigate to the directory C:\Users\Your User Name\Desktop\\com\printeron\cps\resources
  6. Copy CpsResourceBundle_en_ to desktop
  7. Modify the file and make it look like the result below:
    • LoginUserIdInput = Library Card
    • LoginPasswordInput = PIN
  8. Now copy the modified CpsResourceBundle_en_ to C:\Users\Your User Name\Desktop\\com\printeron\cps\resources
  9. Rename to cps-web-4.0.1-RELEASE.jar
  10. Copy cps-web-4.0.1-RELEASE.jar to C:\Program Files (x 86)\ PrinterOn Corporation\Apache Tomcat\webapps\cps\WEB-INF\lib
  11. Start CPS service