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How to change the ports used to access the PrinterOn Enterprise solution 80 & 443 to something else - c06298965

Using the steps below we can configure the PrinterOn Central Print Services to run on a different port other than 80 and 443

  1. Stop the Central Print Services (CPS)
  2. Navigate to the default directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\PrinterOn Corporation\Apache Tomcat\Conf
  3. Open server.xml
  4. Find the line which contains Connector port="80" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
    Eg. Connector port="81" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
  5. Change the port to the alternate port other than port 80
  6. Change the redirect Port value to the alternate value for port 443 (SSL)
  7. Find the line which contains Connector port="443" protocol="com.printeron.tomcat.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
    Eg Connector port="8443" protocol="com.printeron.tomcat.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
  8. Change the port to match the redirect port or alternate port for 443
  9. Save changes
  10. Stop the PON Configuration Manager service
  11. Navigate to the default directory C:\ProgramData\PrinterOn Corporation\PONData\Configurator
  12. Open license.ini
  13. Locate the serviceURL value and ensure it’s set to https, then change this to reflect the SSL port (alternate SSL port)
  14. Save changes
  15. From the default directory C:\Program Files (x86)\PrinterOn Corporation\Apache Tomcat\Conf,
  16. Open cps_config.xml
  17. Locate the pasApiURI value and change this to reflect the non-SSL port (alternate port to 80)
    Eg. <pasApiUri>http://localhost:81/PasServlet/PasServlet</pasApiUri>
  18. Locate the serviceURL value and ensure it’s set to https, then change this to reflect the SSL port (alternate to 443)
  19. Locate the imcasBaseUrl value and ensure it’s set to https, then change this to reflect the SSL port you selected in step 7
  20. Save changes applied to the file
  21. Start the Central Print Services
  22. Stop the PrintAnywhere Processing Server service and the PrintAnywhere Status Server service
  23. Navigate to the default directory: C:\ProgramData\PrinterOn Corporation\PONData\PrintAnywhere\Config\User
  24. Open the ProcessServerConfig.xml and StatusServerConfig.xml
  25. Find the licenseServer value in each file and change the IP to reflect the SSL port (alternate to 443)
  26. Save the files.


Applies to PrinterOn Enterprise 3.x and later.