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How to create a new user in - c06409800

There is two different types of users in transfer

  1. A customer
  2. A PrinterOn user

Follow the below to setup new users on transfer so they have proper access to the system. (This document is also stored in nextcloud)

We are going to create a new user customer 'example', replace 'example' with the customer name when creating a new customer.

  1. log in as the "PrinterOn support" user 'support', password 'PrinterOn#1'
    We want to create new shares under the generic PrinterOn Support user because, when you delete a user any files/folders/shares they have created are DELETED from nextcloud.
  2. In the top right click on 'PrinterOn Support' to get menu, select 'Users' from menu
  3. First we create a new group for the user, click '+ Add Group' in top left, type 'example', then click the '+' to the right of the text box.
    • we do this because we want all the shares group based (instead of user based)
    • this makes adding multiple users for the customer much easier because all that is required is to create the new user and add it to the required groups, instead of having to create the new user then go through all the required shares and add permissions for the new user.
  4. Create a new user for the customer, in the top center, click in the 'Username' text box and enter the customer name 'example' in this case.
    • type a password for the user, passwords are 8 chars, and must contain special, upper and lower case chars. In groups drop down select the 'example' group and the 'software' group click 'create' to create the new user.
    • the 'example' group will be used to share files privately with just the 'example' customer
    • the 'software' group will be used to share files to all customers and be read only to all customers, can be used for installers all customers should see for example.
    • the user can change this password after their first login by
    • going to the top right menu,
    • selecting 'Personal',
    • typing their 'current password' and 'new password' in the text boxes and clicking 'change password' you or the user can also add an e-mail address to the account, this e-mail address will receive notifications on the items checked in the 'Activity' section of the 'Personal' settings.
  5. Add the 'support' user to the 'example' group
  6. create the new folder 'example' go back to the 'Files' view, click the top left menu and click 'Files' create a new folder, click the '+' in the top center, click 'Folder', type the folder name 'example', press enter.
  7. share folder 'example' with the 'example' group
    • share the folder, click the share icon for the 'example' folder (looks like < sign with dots a ends of lines and vertex)
    • in 'sharing' tab, type 'example (group)' in the 'Share with users or groups...' text box.
    • make sure 'Can edit' and 'create', 'change', 'delete' are selected.
    • in 'sharing' tab, type 'PrinterOn (group)' in the 'Share with users or groups...' text box.
    • make sure 'Can edit' and 'create', 'change', 'delete' are selected.
  8. we have created a new customer group and user
    • we have shared a folder with them only the customer and PrinterOn support and PrinterOn users can see
    • we have shared a folder with all customers that they can only download from, and PrinterOn support and PrinterOn users can read and write to.
    • We are going to create a new PrinterOn user,pre-requisites
    • the user is already in Active Directory and
    • user is a member of the AD security group "CN=NextCloud Users,OU=Professional Services,OU=Printeron Users,DC=printeron,DC=local"
  9. users will be automatically created in nextcloud.
  10. add the user to the 'PrinterOn' group, so they will be able to upload and download files from customer folders and software folder.

also add the user to the 'admin group if the user should be able to reset customer's users passwords.