PrinterOn Enterprise Integration with HP Access Control - c06343594
HP has confirmed HP Access Control (HPAC) does not commonly lock down the print device. They have verified that the PrinterOn document for print management integration with HPAC seems viable. Follow on suggestions and requests from HP:
- PrinterOn is not using any specific HP SDK right now to do this. We are only offering instructions to point the print device to an existing web page. HP has asked PrinterOn to use the HP Pro SDK. This would therefore include PageWide devices and FutureSmart until an embedded agent is available.
- The HP developer program will include documentation on the full list of supported devices by each OXPd SDK. PrinterOn should be able to distill our own list of devices from there.
- HP has promised to do verification testing of the feature and also help communicate support for OXPd guest printing to the HP field for HPAC.
- The PrinterOn HP Access Control integration guide includes the link to download the XML needed to make this integration work. Here is the .exe for the button manager on the PrinterOn website (note that the link might change in time):