PrinterOn KB Powered By ePRINTit USA

PWC3548: Unable to process print job due to timeout - EMCP - c06406190

Event Summary

If the Printer has not been updated to deliver jobs to the PDH address, it will attempt to deliver jobs to, but there is nothing available or listening on that port. This error will also be shown when the PDH address has been defined incorrectly (check for typos!), or the PDH service is unavailable (check if the PDH service is started & load balancer is in active state). The result is a PWC3548: Unable to process print job due to timeout. error.

Procedure DocumentationSymptoms and Errors

Tools and Access Needed

Post Resolution Expected Behaviour

Jobs should be processed and a "Complete" message displayed to end users.

Pre Event Reporting/Documentation

1.If this is occurring after initial deployment stage, or the customer reported the issue, create a case in Salesforce

Event Start Notification Procedure


Steps and Process

There are multiple possible resolutions to this error Verify PDH configuration on printer definition:

  1. Log in to PONCONF
  2. View Printer Configuration for the printer giving the error
  3. Expand Output Location section
  4. Review the PDH Server Address field

It should reflect the customer's PDH:

If this value is incorrect (check for typos too!), update and save changes

If this value was already configured correctly, move on to the next set of steps to identify the cause

Verify PDH Services are started:

  1. Log in to PONCONF
  2. View the Services tab
  3. Verify PDH1 and PDH2 are started
  4. If both services are already started, move on to the next set of steps to identify the cause

Verify PDH LB is in a healthy state:

  1. Log in to AWS ( manservices )
  2. Go to OpsWorks area
  3. Click on your Client stack
  4. View the Instances
  5. Click on the PDH ELB

We will need some help on how to troubleshoot the ELB if it turns out the services are started, but the ELB is not in a healthy state. So far I have not encountered the ELB being the root cause of this error message, but if it is encountered, we will need to document within this post the steps to resolve. Event Complete Notification Procedure n/a Post Event Reporting/Documentation Close Salesforce case if required

Note: Applies to PrinterOn Enterprise Managed Cloud Print 4.x and later.