PrinterOn KB Powered By ePRINTit USA

Testing Konica Minolta Secure Print Box in NEW with ITC Systems - c06337103

Internal PON Use Only:

  1. Send email to Michael Mejia
  2. Advise that we need them to test Secure print functionality in NEW before it can be promoted to PROD
  3. Ask him to do the following in this order
    - from his desktop computer, open any file, choose the KM C360 device on their network.
    - If Secure Print is set correctly on the KM 360 device, the driver should ask the user to enter a UserName and Password. If not prompted for this info, then stop and make sure this function is enabled on the printer before continuing.
    Do not continue until Secure Box printing works from the driver.
  4. Once the printer is configured and working from driver, then do the following PrinterOn test.
  5. go to
  6. select printer radio button "ITC Test"
  7. Select a file or print a web page e.g.
  8. when prompted on next page to enter Username: type User1, and Password, 1234. Finish submitting the job.
  9. Make sure the PDS is running and then open the PDS Queue monitor and check if the job you submitted came in and says "done"
  10. go to the KM C360 printer.
  11. go to the Secure print box, type User1 and password 1234 when prompted.
  12. if job prints out successfully, then all is fine. Please report your results to PrinterOn.