When should a Network PrintValet be used? - c06685422
A Network PrintValet should be considered when the PDS machine is physically nowhere near the printer. Logistically, the user accessing the keypad should be physically near to the printer which is outputting the job.
Some examples:
- a hotel which has multiple printers on different floors, but connected to the same network so therefore a single PDS is being used
- a USB PrintValet can be used for one of the printers if the machine hosting PDS is close to the printer. Eg. a Business Centre PC is hosting PDS and there is a printer int he Business Centre, and one in the Lobby
- a library which has multiple printers in different areas, but connected to the same network so therefore a single PDS is being used.
- in a PrinterOn Enterprise scenario where PDS is hosted on a central server in a datacentre, and the printers are scattered around offices all connected to the same WAN