Best Practices to migrate PrinterOn Enterprise from Hybrid to On-Premise - c06614063
When migrating from Hybrid mode to On-Premise mode, there are some steps you can take which will help to ease the transition. Your PDS Output Destinations will be lost and so it's important that you take a backup of the PDS properties file in order to retain that detail.
Back up Print Delivery Station (PDS) properties file
The PDS Output Destination values are the major thing that is lost with the migration to On-Premise . These values will be stored in the PDS properties file which is located here: C:\ProgramData\PrinterOn Corporation\ PONData \PDS\client\ This file would need to be shared with PrinterOn Support as it is encrypted. We can then provide a list of the printers and their current output destinations. Alternately, if you share both the original file and the updated file, PrinterOn Support can copy the values over via the properties file. This means your printers will not need to be manually configured in your updated PDS. It would just require the properties file be replaced once it's been updated by PrinterOn Support.
Disable auto PDS sync
When the PDS syncs with the new On-Premise changes, it may remove the previously configured printers. To disable the sync, go to the Home - General Settings tab Printer Synchronization Settings, disable disable both Synchronize By Default and Automatic Printer Synchronization next to the Print Delivery Station Save changes
Figure : Printer Synchronization Settings
Back up Print Delivery Gateway (PDG) properties file
The PDG's PQMS ( PrinterOn Queue Management System) and Google Cloud Print configuration values my be lost with this migration. These values will be stored in the PDG properties file which is located here: C:\ProgramData\PrinterOn Corporation\ PONData \PDG\gateway\ This file would need to be shared with PrinterOn Support as it is encrypted. We can then provide a list of the PQMS printers and their current configuration related to PrinterOn .
The Google Cloud Printers may need to be re-created if they are lost during the migration. The connection to Google's Cloud is reliant on OAuth and the administrator would need to authenticate again in order to create the cloud-facing printer. Applies to PrinterOn Enterprise 3.2.x and later