Customize the color of the PrinterOn web submission web page header - c06226920
Using the steps below, will assist any administrator of the PrinterOn Enterprise solution to modify the header of the PrinterOn web submission page from the default PrinterOn blue to a color that is closer matched to the organization's colors .
Figure : Area to be changed:
How to make the changes:
- Navigate to the default directory C:\Program Files (x 86)\ PrinterOn Corporation\Apache Tomcat\webapps\cps\ css
- Make a backup of the custom.css file, preferably to a different location.
- Open the custom.css file in your favorite text editor.
Locate the
value .navbar
-default {
- Modify the background- color property to the hexadecimal value required (highlighted in yellow above).
- Save the custom.css file.
- Navigate to the PrinterOn web print submission page (reload the page if required).
- The change should now appear (if the changes are not being reflected, clear the cache from the web browser and/or restart the Central Print Services).
Figure : Sample after change:
Change Border Color :
- Navigate to the default directory C:\Program Files (x 86)\ PrinterOn Corporation\Apache Tomcat\webapps\cps\ css
- Make a backup of the custom.css file, preferably to a different location.
- Open the custom.css file in your favorite text editor.
- Locate the value .navbar -default {