How to access the PrinterOn print queue monitor? - c06231170
Using these steps the administrator of the PrinterOn Enterprise or PrinterOn Public solution can view the print queue monitor. The Queue Monitor can be used to view both success and error print jobs as they pass through the PrinterOn solution.
For PrinterOn Public Customers:
- Login to the PrinterOn Configuration Manager (a short cut will be exposed on the desktop where the Print Delivery Station software is installed).
- After logging in select the Queue Monitor tab
- The Print Delivery Station Configuration Manager can be accessed from any machine on the same network as the machine hosting the PDS by visiting https://PDSmachineIP:8057.
For PrinterOn Enterprise Customers:
- Login to the PrinterOn configuration manager (a short cut will be exposed on the desktop of the machine hosting the PrinterOn Enterprise solution)
- After logging in select the Printers tab
- Select the Queue Monitor tab
- The PrinterOn Enterprise Configuration Manager can also be accessed from any machine on the same network as the machine hosting the solution by visiting https://PrinterOn serverIP:8057.
Applies to PrinterOn Enterprise 3.x and later; PrinterOn Public