How to change text in the Select Document area of a PrinterOn Public Web Print page - c06642332
For security purposes, the ability to submit a direct URL for processing through the web print page was removed from the PrinterOn Public solution. Some Web Print pages will still display directions related to this old feature. These steps outline how to modify that text.
- Login to the web administration print site by visiting
- If this user has admin access to more than one PrintSpot , select the PrintSpot that requires an update from the Group Name and PrintSpot Name drop down lists
Visit the Customize area
- Select the Select File thumbnail
Make changes by clicking the Edit button below the relevant text:
Browse your computer files to select the document you wish to print. To print a webpage, first save the page as a PDF which can then be uploaded as a file above.
- Save changes when complete and guests will now see the updated message when submitting print jobs through the Web Print page
These changes were not done automatically as many services use this text area to display custom details that would be lost with a mass change.