How to get color and black & white option to show on the PrinterOn public web print page - c06238614
If you want to see the toggle button to change Color vs Black and White on the PrinterOn public web print page then follow the steps below:
- Login to Printspot as an administrator ( )
Click on Customize icon
- Select option 2 and click on edit
- Put a check for Offer users printing options
- From here you can check the options you want the user to see when they submit a print job.
- Check Color and select a default value for 'Set as default (the users will have the ability to toggle between color and black /white on web print page).
- Select 'Save' to commit the changes.
Applies to the PrinterOn Public solution. Once the changes are saved; the user on the web print page will be able to make use of the changes right away.