How to reset the administration password in PrinterOn Enterprise version 2.x - c06226831
Using the steps below the administrator of the PrinterOn Enterprise solution is able to reset the password for the Central Print Services (CPS) admin login .
- Open the Microsoft Windows service panel .
- Locate and stop the Apache Tomcat service .
- Navigate to the default directory ‘ C:\Program Files (x 86)\ PrinterOn Corporation\Apache Tomcat\conf ’.
- Delete the file named ‘ z.zd ’
- Restart the Apache Tomcat service in the Microsoft Windows services panel .
- Open the CPS admin page .
Authenticate with these details:
- Username: cpsadmin
- password: cps
Type in the new password (in 2.5 the minimum password requirements are:
8 characters, 2 UPPERCASE, 2 lower case, 2 numbers and special character ( e . g ! @#$). - Select ' Save Settings ’.