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How to use the PrinterOn PrintWhere application for the PrinterOn Enterprise solution - c06241928

Using the steps below will provide some information on how to use the PrinterOn PrintWhere application for PrinterOn Enterprise (private cloud)

  1. After the installation of the PrintWhere application on the machine and the PrintWhere application is launched using the icon on the desktop, this window appears:
  2. Configure the PrintWhere application to communicate with the PrinterOn Enterprise solution by populating the Service URL below the Search Preference s
    1. Select Search Preferences
    2. Populate the Service URL with the PrinterOn Enterprise solution address (IP address or DNS address)
  3. Confirm the message to update the account details ( whenever a change occurs with the Service URL the account details are removed and must be updated )
  4. Enter the LDAP/AD or SSO account details below the Account Settings button
    1. Select Edit , enter the username/password used to authenticated to the PrinterOn Enterprise solution
  5. To search for a printer, simply type the name or location of the printer in the ' Keywords ' field, enable Private Printers Only , then select Search

    Example: Marketing / Kitchener
  6. Refine the search for the printers by selecting the Advanced Search option
  7. The History tab, provides a list of recently used printers
  8. The Search Results tab provides a list of the printers that were retrieved in the current search
  9. To find the version of the PrinterOn PrintWhere application:
    1. Locate the version details from the programs and features menu on the Microsoft Windows machine
    2. Select the 'i' button on the bottom of the PrinterOn PrintWhere Printer Manager.
  10. Need help with the PrinterOn PrintWhere application: select the '?' on the bottom of the PrintWhere Printer Manager (this opens up the user manual locally on the machine)


Applies to PrinterOn PrintWhere 6.x and later. The PrintWhere application typically requires a username and password when communicating with the PrinterOn Enterprise solution.