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Print with PrinterOn vs Copy to PrinterOn - c06617909

When using the PrinterOn mobile application on an iPhone or iPad, when printing a document typically selecting the document then finding the print option typically displays one of two options:

Print with PrinterOn :

This option appears when using the General release version of the PrinterOn mobile application, but only if the option to enable printing with PrinterOn has been select to 'On'.

Copy to PrinterOn :

This options appears when the iPhone or iPad has a MDM (Mobile Device Managed) version of the PrinterOn mobile application installed. The MDM version of the application would include all PrinterOn for Microsoft, PrinterOn for Airwatch , PrinterOn for Citrix, PrinterOn for MobileIron, PrinterOn for BlackBerry. The Copy to PrinterOn option is controlled based on the MDM policies that are in place, if the option is missing then review the MDM policies.


Applies to the PrinterOn mobile application (General Release application), PrinterOn for Microsoft, PrinterOn for Airwatch , PrinterOn for Citrix, PrinterOn for MobileIron, PrinterOn for BlackBerry