PWC1141 error + error (69) or error 69 - c06234543
While trying to submit a print request through the PrinterOn Enterprise solution the error message PWC1141 (PWC 1141) is received on the web submission page or the error message Error 69 is presented in the PrinterOn print processing log file.
Use the steps below to attempt to recover the service and bring it back online:
Validate that the account running the
service component such as the Processing and Status services are running as a local administrator account on the machine.
Open up the windows services on the machine running the PrinterOn services, and validate the account is in fact a local administrator account. - Validate that the machine and the local administrative user account are part of the same domain.
Validate if the administrator account being used has access to add/remove printers on the machine, this can be validated by going to the 'Devices and Printers' menu on the machine.
- Open the Local Group policies on the machine by clicking start then type ' gpedit.msc ' in the search box.
- Drill down through 'Administrative Templates' then select 'Printers'.
- Edit 'Point and Print Restrictions', changing the value to 'Disabled'.
- Edit 'Allow Print Spooler to accept client connections' to 'Enabled'.
- Restart all the PAS components then try to manually download the driver again, or try submitting a job using CPS web upload.
- Restart the machine after the PrinterOn Enterprise solution was installed, then attempt again to submit another print request.
- Attempt to install the print driver directly on the machine where the PrintAnywhere services are installed.
Applies to PrinterOn Enterprise 2.x and later running in Hybrid mode.