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The summary report in PrinterOn portal does not match with the detailed report in PrinterOn portal - c06617906


The summary report in HP PrinterOn portal does not match with the detailed report in HP PrinterOn portal


The two reports do not necessarily report on the exact same information resulting discrepancies. Here are some examples:

The summary report shows how many print jobs have been submitted to each printer. What the summary report does not show is whether or not those submitted print jobs were actually released or printed successfully.

The detailed activity report on the other hand, only shows the print jobs that were successfully released from the PDS software. For example, if you send a print job to that printer but do not release it and the job times out and gets purged, you will see the statistic for that job in the summary report but not in the detailed report.

As a rule of thumb, the detailed report should be the more accurate report in terms of only showing the jobs that were actually released to the printer successfully.