PrinterOn KB Powered By ePRINTit USA

There was an error in uploading the document when submitting via mobile app - c06234544

This is caused by the service URL in the PrinterOn web administration cloud not being set to the proper address of the PrinterOn Enterprise solution (the private address).

This Service URL is what the PrinterOn mobile application uses to submit the job to the PrinterOn Enterprise solution.

By default the PrinterOn Enterprise solution uses therefore this needs to be changed using the steps below.

  1. Log into the PrinterOn web administration at
  2. Navigate to the Service Details tab.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and enter the IP or DNS address for the server hosting your PrinterOn software.
  4. Ensure you enter /cps after the address.
  5. Save changes.
  6. Log into PrinterOn's Configuration Manager .
  7. Click the Printers tab.
  8. Click the refresh icon next to the “ Date last synchronized ” text.
  9. Send a new test print to confirm functionality.


Applies to PrinterOn Enterprise 2.5 and later running in Hybrid or Onpremise mode.