Troubleshooting PWC5002: The print job PrinterOn Printing Service was set to a PrintWhere PrinterOn Model Plug-in cannot be printed. - c06236914
While trying to submit a print request through the PrinterOn solution using the PrintWhere applicatoin the error message appears: Troubleshooting PWC5002: The print job PrinterOn Printing Service was set to a PrintWhere PrinterOn Model Pluig-in cannot be printed.
Steps to resolve:
- Confirm the print driver being used is supported on the system where the PrintWhere application is installed
- Confirm the user using the PrintWhere application has the appropriate permissions to run the application and install the associated or required print drivers (Local administrative permissions or a user with elevated rights is required)
- Confirm the Microsoft Windows Print Spooler service is running on the machine
- Attempt to remove and re-install the PrintWhere application on the machine and attempt to print the print request again
Applies to PrinterOn PrintWhere 6.x and later.