What are the requirements for setting up a reverse proxy with PrinterOn Enterprise solution? - c06241708
Every reverse proxy might be configured differently but here are a few things to consider when setting up a reverse proxy for PrinterOn Enterprise solution:
- PrinterOn uses Apache Tomcat as the web front end
- All the end user generated traffic to the PrinterOn solution (except Email printing) communicates with PrinterOn through that web service
- The PrinterOn server/service should be reachable/routable through the reverse proxy and typically through “https” and port “443”
- The typical service URL that needs to be routable through the reverse proxy is similar to: https://PrinterOn-Server-Address/cps and https://PrinterOn-Server-Address/imcas eg. or https://printing.mycompany.com/cps
- The reverse proxy should have a persistent connection to the PrinterOn web service and should not manipulate the data stream