PrinterOn KB Powered By ePRINTit USA

TLS: Print Delivery Station (PDS) details - c07697669

As of March 31, 2020, PrinterOn is deprecating support for TLS v1.1 and earlier. These protocols no longer meet the security requirements of most security-conscious services such as PrinterOn. As a result, from that date forward, PrinterOn Public will require all communication between PrinterOn components to be secured using TLS v1.2 or later. This change will have an impact only on PrinterOn Public and PrinterOn Enterprise Hybrid customers. PrinterOn Enterprise On-Premise customers are not affected.  In order to ensure that your PrinterOn services does not experience a disruption, you must ensure that all PrinterOn client applications used to access your service are sufficiently upgraded and configured to use TLS 1.2.

Options to migrate to TLS 1.2:

To enable SSL connectivity manually:

  1. Sign into PrinterOn Configuration Manager.
  2. Navigate to the Networking tab,
  3. From the Advanced menu (gear icon), turn on Show Advanced Settings .
  4. Scroll to the Remote Listener section.
  5. Click Edit .
  6. In the Remote Listener (Outside Firewall) section, ensure that Use SSL is enabled and click Test Remote Listener .
  7. Scroll to the Check Jobs Services section and enable Use SSL .
  8. Change the Service Port to 443.
  9. Click Apply Settings .
  10. Click Test Check Jobs Services


If after upgrading the Print Delivery Station to version 4.2.5, the solution cannot successfully release test prints, please ensure the machine hosting Print Delivery Station is enabled for TLS 1.2 communication. If the machine is Windows 7, you may need to enable it. Please refer to Microsoft Windows documentation for those steps. Alternately, the Print Delivery Station can be moved to a Windows 10 machine as a solution. If the machine is Windows 8 or higher, it will have TLS 1.2 enabled by default, and a support case should be the next step.

These steps are intended for PrinterOn Public customers hosting Print Delivery Station either on a Windows PC or a Windows PrintConnect.