When submitting a color request, output is black & white - PrinterOn Public - c07678308
There is a current known issue (March 2020) whereby the PrinterOn Generic PCL 6 driver does not provide color output when printed. If this is seen, please follow these steps to update the driver in the PrinterOn administrator portal.
- Login to the PrinterOn.com web administration print site by visiting https://www.printeron.net/Page?PAGE=PrintspotLogin.
- If this user has admin access to more than one PrintSpot, select the PrintSpot that requires an update from the Group Name and PrintSpot Name drop-down lists.
- Click the Printer Icon to visit the Printers area.
- Click the Required Settings tab for the affected printer.
- Change the Print Driver Option to GT PCL6 .
- Save changes.
- Test a color document submission again and confirm output is expected.